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林一峰旅居歐洲 搬足30次屋

02月09日(四) 18:02 林一峰與陳明憙今日(9日)在上環出席藝術展,近年旅居愛爾蘭的一峰日前專誠回港出席活動,今次將留港兩星期陪伴父母,隨後將返到愛爾蘭繼續旅居式生活,他笑指現時儲下了無限飛行里數,可以隨時回港探望家人。講到旅居生活,他指近年在3個國家、4個城市居住,期間搬了30多次屋,希望不會搬到50次屋。 今年入行20周年的他今日推出了重新灌錄20年前的首張專輯《林一峰的床頭歌》,下一站會先到布拉格與當地管絃樂團合作作為入行紀念。 林一峰與陳明憙齊齊現身。 林一峰好耐都冇返過嚟! 陳明憙

Lin Yifeng reported safety in Myanmar

  [US] Lin Yifeng said on the social network that everything is fine. [TW] 林一峰在社交網自言一切安好。 The Myanmar military launched a coup d’état to regain power on the grounds of election fraud on the 1st of this month (Monday), detaining state Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Min and other senior officials of the literati government and the ruling party, and declared a state of emergency for one year. , The local people successively launched civil disobedience to show their dissatisfaction. Singer Lin Yifeng in Myanmar uploaded a photo to the social network on Monday to report safety. He said he was in Yangon: "I am still alive, we are alive with hope." Lin Yifeng disclosed in the article that he once lived in a place where the lives of villagers were threatened at any time, the town could be instantly destroyed by a tornado, and there were mass killings and school shootings. These things happened long before the villagers were born. Although everyone seemed to be unable to do...